Saturday, June 27, 2009

Je Voudrais...

  • A man to bring me flowers, especially the kind that are real red, not painted red, especially an attractive man
  • The raccoon to leave my apartment
  • My weekends to be endlessly open and void of work calls
  • Old friends to remember my name
  • To feel like I make as much money as I deserve
  • Zero calorie ice cream
  • Friends to request my presence rather than vise versa
  • A mustang GT convertible
  • To be 15 pounds lighter
  • Clarity
  • Better internet reception in my bedroom
  • Friendships to last forever
  • More family near by
  • To be really really good at something, anything, not just decent at a few things
  • To have more energy
  • Even hotter summers
  • Time to go a little slower
  • Recognition
  • My chicken pox scar in between my eyebrows to go away
  • Perscriptions to be waaaaay less money, for everyone, especially me
  • To stop losing so much hair
  • Companionship
  • To learn something new everyday, without the aid of TV
  • To swim with dolphins, as hippy as it sounds
  • A bar where everyone knows my name
  • Bitter East-Coasters who move to CA to stay in CA
  • More people to use their hands to give directions and illustrate locations
  • Hope to not be a delusion
  • More Allisons and Amys and Andreas and Anilas...
  • A pull from my gut
  • To make another soundtrack for my life
  • Flight of the Concords, season 2
  • Raw passion
  • A good cry
  • Je voudrais la bonne vie boheme

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